In Tibetan Buddhist practice, the word “Sangha” refers to the community of people that surround and support you in your contemplative and spiritual journey. Why does it matter that you have a community? Why can’t you just meditate on your own? Yes, a person can get...
Namchak Community Blog
Why meditate?
Meditation helps our brains to develop the right “muscles” that allow us to pause before that habitual knee-jerk reaction. When you learn how to pause a bit, how to return to the present moment, and return to your truer self, you ultimately benefit yourself, your...
What makes a meaningful life?
Each of us has a unique gift to bring the world, and we aren’t going to be satisfied if we can’t bring it forth. And what brings us the most satisfaction is not to offer just one gift– we probably all have a wonderful combination of gifts that we can bring. We want to...
Understanding the Importance of Community
Creating authentic community can be incredibly challenging. Even though we can connect with people from around the world almost instantaneously, those relationships can be superficial and unfulfilling. Below we’ve gathered resources to help you cultivate healthy...
It’s a Process and a Privilege
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ― C.G. Jung We live in a fast-paced world where distractions abound and opportunities to overcommit are endless. Under the pressure to keep up and balance more, it can be easy to lose or never fully know...
Summer Self-Care: 5 Ways to Fit It In
Once summer hits, it can almost feel like there is no stopping the gnawing feeling that you must take advantage of every moment of the sun, long days, and non-stop socializing while they are here. Making the most of these moments is important, but it should also...
You are part of something greater
Visualize the world you want to be in, then let that guide your daily actions. Published on Aug 09 09 : 00 am
Finding the Leader Within
Each of us has a unique gift to bring the world, and we aren't going to be satisfied if we can't bring it forth. And what brings us the most satisfaction is not to offer just one gift-- we probably all have a wonderful combination of gifts that we can bring. We want...
Meditation 101
Meditation is simple, it’s just paying attention and seeing what is. Through meditation, we begin to recognize how incessantly we make movies in the mind. It’s constant! Even while we’re sleeping, we’re dreaming. Let’s be honest, at this point if we can be present for...
Starting a Learning Circle
Here are a few ideas to help you find fellow adventurers, and to help you all begin and continue the exploration of meditation practice together. Of course, you can all use the Why is the Dalai Lama Always Smiling? book as part of that exploration. You can read a bit...
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